
10 Signs You’re in a Toxic Work Environment

By Career Contessa

We all have bad Mondays, challenging weeks, and even disappointing months. That’s the cyclical nature of a career.

However, you’re typically able to make it through a bad Monday, survive a challenging week, and learn valuable lessons from a disappointing quarter. 
A toxic work environment is like having all of these challenges on repeat, without a break. It's red flags on top of red flags. It's a passive-aggressive boss or inappropriate comments from your coworkers about the person you replaced. It's reduced (or non-existent) boundaries
It's gaslighting, mansplaining, microaggressions—and it's toxic as heck. 

The Toxic Workplace Checklist

The following are your best (or worst) indicators of a toxic culture. If your workplace has one of these, it might be toxic, but it also might be fixable. If your workplace has several or even all of these markers, skip the hazmat suit and start looking for a new job
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